Friday, June 20, 2014

Thug Notes

This year I co-taught sophomore English and got to read with my students All Quiet on the Western Front, Night, Animal Farm, and "Oedipus Rex". These texts are very complex and sometimes a little overwhelming to students. One funny resource is called Thug Notes. Thug Notes summarizes texts in a funny, street talk kind of way. Students love it and how real they are with the information about each book. Each video summarizes the book, talks about themes and analyze the text.

Here is a video trailer for Thug Notes

Here is my favorite video from this year

p.s. My only warnings is that some of the language is bleeped out. Check it out before you show your class.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Inspirational Posters Cheap Cheap

Ok, so one of the ways I love to decorate my classroom is to put up motivational posters around my room. However, I teach older students so most teacher supply stores posters can be a little kid-ish. Well, about a year ago I found this cool coloring website that has quotes, subject, Biblical verses, etc. So, I printed the stuff I liked, colored it using my favorite colors and sharpies, lamented them....and tad-ah AWESOME posters for cheap!

Here is the awesome website link below 
Doodle Art Gallery

Here are some pictures of my posters! 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Everyone needs a break

Hi guys,

Sorry it has taken me so long to get back to writing on here. With the summer and my new job as a resource specialist I have the time to come back and find cool, exciting, and innovative strategies/resources for the classroom.

To start this summer off right I have found super duper cool website for brain breaks. Brain breaks are moments where students take a moment to give their brains a break. The moment can be used to calm down the students down, to pump them up, or to refocus their attention.

How do you do this? Well first your going to go to GoNoodle

Here is quick video that gives you the low down on the tool

Create a login for yourself and start looking through the videos

Here is one for pumping up the class while also learning vocab words.

Here is one for calming them down and stretching

All videos are appropriate for ages k-12 and some correlate to the content you are teaching.

Need another reason, check this video out about positive behavior from the brain breaks

I hope you all enjoy this amazing resource.